FibroMyalgia Support -
Ottawa West (FMSOW)was for many years the only "just
support" group for people with FM in the Ottawa area.
- When we started this support group in Kanata in the
spring of 1995, we decided the focus would be on educating ourselves and
others, and learning to live the best life that we can with FM, until a cure is
- "Fibromyalgia is not something we would ever
choose to have, but if we have it, we must reach a point where we accept the
condition as part of ourselves." - Mark J. Pellegrino, M.D.,
Inside Fibromyalgia, p.213
- Next Meeting:
Details TBA, after coronavirus clears
- For patients, relatives, friends, caregivers or medical
We get together in a relaxing atmosphere and get to know each other, try to
encourage ourselves and have fun. We understand each other, how fast or how
slow our bodies can be.
- To RSVP, either use the Meetup site (free to join, safe, keeps your
email private) at OR
Email OR phone 613-721-2082.
After many years with YahooGroups, we've experienced some problems with
messages, so I've moved our discussion / online support group to Meetup, at
- the old site is still there for archive purposes.
This is a "sharing and caring" list - everyone is welcome!
I hope you'll join us!
Please be aware that "mailing lists" are a special way of
communicating with a group of people all at once. Any message sent to the group
is then sent out to all members on the list. What appear to be messages to
"someone else" may actually contain information pertinent to you.
There is sometimes "chatter" and fun exchanged - this is a
mechanism for dealing with this illness. For many people, finding the group
means finding, for the first time, people who understand and accept them
with this illness. That means so much to many of the members. :)
Note from Sheila: As part of our initiative of educating
others, I was interviewed for articles in both Maclean's Magazine, and
Chatelaine Magazine. Both writers found me through this web site. In
addition, I appeared on CHRO/A Channel Breakfast at the NewRO, and on
A-Channel at Noon, and was interviewed on radio, as well as being
invited to speak to many groups.
Other groups: For information on other support groups, please see the
Support Groups listings on our Links page