Fibromyalgia Information & Local SupportHonours for this website |
At a meeting of the support group, we discussed ways to cope with the pain of fibromyalgia. The following is a list of helpful hints that members came up with:
- soak in a hot tub (with 1\2 cup epsom salts or oatmeal) - heating pad or hot\cold gel packs
- wet towel warmed in microwave
- whirlpool/jacuzzi
- massage/shiatsu massage
- tens machine
- obus form for back/neck
- get a new mattress or water bed
- cervical pillow
- foam "egg crate" pad
- blow dryer on sore areas
- "donut ring" for tender tailbone
- strap on cushion - makes a back where there is none like a stool or a bench (from Canada Care) - knee braces, wrist supports, shoe inserts, abdominal belt
- use a cane, especially in winter
- for a sore mouth: Nilsat drops or a mixture of 2/3 pediatric Benadryl and 1/3 Riopan
- put one leg up when standing or sitting
- wear sunglasses
- buy clothes one size larger
- avoid tight elastic like knee highs
- exercises like walking, gentle stretching, Tai Chi, swimming
- put two tennis balls between your back and the wall then roll down the wall slowly
- roll a towel along your spine
- magnetic or copper bracelet
- bean bags
- visualization exercises
- relaxation tapes
- deep breathing/meditation
- acupuncture
- relaxing hobby
- take naps
- see a chiropractor
- see your attending physician regularly
- medication for pain/antidepressants
- vitamins, toxin removers (barley grains, herbs)
- healthy diet
- take a vacation
- talk to a fiiend
- attend support group meetings
- get help with chores
- learn how to say "no" when people ask you for favors or to do something you know will result in more pain
- go out and have some fun!
- read a good book (When bad things happen to good people; Love, Medicine & Miracles, Peace-Love-Healing; How to live between office visits) - educate yourself by researching as much as you can
- work with your medical team
- keep a notebook and write everything down
- use 'post-it' notes
- use a mini memo tape recorder